Contact Us

Phone: 0438 507 917     

Address: 37 Haven Road Emu Park QLD 4710

Managers: Charmaine and Trevor

Reception Hours at The Haven are 9:00am to 4:00pm weekdays.

If you are arriving outside our normal office hours or over a weekend, please contact the team the day prior so arrangements can be made to make your arrival as smooth as possible. Early check in may be possible subject to availability and may incur an additional charge. 

For enquiries relating to events and functions, please complete the relevant online form and one of our team will be in touch. 

For Accommodation bookings and enquiries, hit the Book button Now!

Be sure to check our our Frequently Asked Questions as well. 

For all other enquiries, please either complete the contact form below or call us on our number during office hours and one of the friendly team will be there to take your call.

For General Enquiries, please complete the below